27 April 2020

InFlow in an updated version – explore new possibilities

InFlow is enjoying unchanging popularity among our clients, which is why we continue to regularly improve its performance and add features that significantly improve the comfort of working with documents.

For the benefit of our users, we have introduced a new reporting function directly from RAKS system, which allows you to generate two new types of statements, depending on current needs:

  1. Turnover report,
  2. Account records report.


How do new reports work?

The new InFlow functionality can be found in the Zestawienia tab, available in the top menu of the RAKS system.

Report: Turnover

Creates a report of turnover and balance of all or only selected accounting accounts for any period. The new panel allows you to indicate the numerical range of accounts, select currency, and define the types of accounts that should be considered. Accounts can be selected manually or with the help of pre-defined groups (you can choose to consider only balance, result, settlement, or off-balance accounts).



The functionality also allows you to create groups of accounts yourself. For example, you can group report accounts, tax accounts for CIT, or NKUP (a group of non-deductible cost accounts). You can also skip accounts with zero turnover or incremental turnover.

Report: Account records

It allows generating a summary report of records on accounting accounts directly from the RAKS accounting system. We have provided several parameters at the user’s disposal to refine the final result. First, you can indicate the data source (fiscal year, accounting period), and range of documents to be taken into consideration. Additionally, with the help of filtering, you can decide whether the report should present the records of a single account or a group of accounts.



New reports can be easily exported to PDF or XML files.


Thank you for putting your trust in the InFlow system.

You can download the InFlow mobile application via the AppStore and Google Play.

If you have questions or doubts concerning the new InFlow feature, please contact ARPI consultants at contact@arpiaccounting.com.

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ARPI Accounting is a part of ARPI Group, a Norwegian holding which started to operate in Poland in 2001.
