Entrepreneurs and self-employed people can apply to the Labor Office for a loan of up to 5,000 PLN. Resources obtained from the Labor Fund budget should be used only to cover the current costs of economic activity.
A micro-loan is a new form of public aid, intended as a remedy for the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The entity granting the micro-loan is the Staroste (in Poland: Starosta), represented by the Director of the Labor Office. The maximum amount of support may amount to 5,000 PLN, although the entrepreneur can apply for a lower amount, adjusted to the running costs of his enterprise that may be incurred during the 3 months of activity.
The micro-loan up to 5,000 PLN was originally addressed only to entrepreneurs employing up to 9 people. The amendment to the Anti-Crisis Shield (Shield 2.0) extended the scope of those entitled also to micro-entrepreneurs who do not employ employees (therefore also to self-employed).
Only those entrepreneurs who conducted business activity before March 1st, 2020, can benefit from the loan.
The micro-loan in the amount indicated by the entrepreneur will be paid immediately after signing the contract (no later than within 2 business days) as part of a one-off bank transfer to the account indicated in the application.
Borrower’s obligations:
The interest rate on the loan is fixed – it amounts per annum to a 0.05 rediscount rate for bills of exchange accepted by the National Bank of Poland.
After 3 months, you will be able to submit a loan redemption application. A necessary condition in the event of redemption is the continuous conduct of business for three months after receiving financial support.
The application for redemption of the loan (constituting Annex 2 to the contract) must be submitted within 14 days of the expiry of 3 months from the date of signing the contract.
Before applying, the entrepreneur should make sure that he meets the necessary condition, qualifying for loan redemption. The statement of continuous business operations for three months is subject to criminal liability.
Detailed information and instructions on how to apply for a microloan can be found on the e-PUAP website. The completed application must include a contract and signature with an e-PUAP trusted profile.