Cash registers apps are not a new idea. Similar software has been introduced and operates in many European countries. Speaking of Poland, the Ministry of Finance has recently decided to specify the technical requirements. The introduction of fully optimal software to the market is now only a matter of time.
The purpose of the change at the statutory level is the need to reduce the costs incurred by entrepreneurs while recording sales. The obligation of buying the physical device can, therefore, be replaced by a requirement of having a certificate authorizing the use of the app. However, it is unlikely that applications with a cash register will be available free of charge.
The software will have to undergo the necessary fiscal process and join the CEKR register.
It is worth recalling that the exchange of cash registers for models with permanent on-line communication will start from the beginning of the next year. For entrepreneurs from industries most exposed to violations in VAT settlements (and therefore obliged to replace cash registers the earliest), the government prepared a discount program for the purchase of the online cash registers in the amount of 90% of the value of the new device – the amount, however, may not exceed 700 PLN.
Unfortunately, the cash register software will still not be able to operate without permanent access to printers for creating fiscal documents. Polish law does not give the option of sending a receipt via the internet. Although statutory work on e-receipt regulations is ongoing, entrepreneurs are currently obliged to provide customers with proof of transactions in the traditional paper form. However, we can expect a rapid development of the law towards full digitization.