The Small ZUS-plus project raises the qualifying threshold from 63,000 PLN revenue (effective from the beginning of 2019 as a part of the primary Small ZUS project) to the value of income not exceeding 120,000 PLN annually. A change from revenue to income in the threshold is significant – it helps to increase the probability that only the necessitous small companies will benefit from the regulations. The amount of reduction will be calculated proportionally to the company’s monthly income. According to the government’s calculations, entrepreneurs can expect their social contribution lowered by up to several hundred PLN per month.
The law also provides for exceptions to the qualifying rule. Small ZUS-plus will not affect those entrepreneurs who use the VAT exemption or settle using a tax card – due to difficulties in calculating the contribution basis. Also, companies paying ZUS under 24-month preferential contributions have been excluded because the rate reduction will not be beneficial for them. Furthermore, the reduction will not be available to entrepreneurs performing services for their former employers (due to the risk of mass transfers to self-employment).
it is worth keeping in mind that the reductions only apply to social insurance: retirement, sickness, disability and accident insurance. The new regulations do not cover health insurance – its amount will remain unchanged, regardless of the company’s annual income. The reduction will apply for a maximum of 3 years (36 months) over 5 years of doing business.